Selling to Brand X & Y- A blueprint for marketing to Generation X & Y
Coming in Nov.08 is a Book & Audio series that will give Business professionals the strategies, tactics and social media insights to make more sales to generation X & Y.
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Generational Marketing Blog
This Blog is dedicated to the strategies, tactics and social media tools you will need to make the connection and the sale with Generation X and Y. (Age range 18 to 40) (Total pop. 120 million) (Spending power: over $200 billion dollars)
Johnny Campbell-DTM, Accredited speaker, is an author and business speaker, who specializes in helping people learn that dealing with: Difficult People, Change, and Social Media Marketing, can be Easy, Productive and Profitable.
Along with speaking and authoring 5 books, he has also appeared on television and in several movies. Johnny also holds the honor of being an Accredited Speaker, a designation given by Toastmasters International and is held by only 58 professional speakers in the world for excellence in public speaking.
Upon receiving this designation Johnny became the first African American under the age of 40 to hold this designation, the youngest person in the world to every achieve this designation and the only American in the past 3 years to earn the highest designation for excellence in public speaking.